Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Blog Homework 3

From reading How the Garcia Girls Lost Their Accent, I learned that I should not take what I have for granted. The Garcia Family had to leave their native country and leave for a country that they know nothing about. In America, they faced discrimination and were not used to living the poor life. If I had to just pick up my things and move away, I would not be able to function. I realize that when I complain about petty things like the food my mom makes me or complaining about how tired I am after sports; their are others out in the world are way worse off. This book makes me think about all the things I have and that I should be thankful for. The Garcia family had many issues because of coming to America; for example, one of the girls had an eating disorder. This is very common in America and I feel if they stayed in the Dominican Republic, she might not of had this disorder. I am so glad that I do not have to go out and experience a new country because then I might get into bad habits.  A message that I could take away from this book is appreciate what I have and help others that do not have as much as me. Whenever I am yelling at my parents for better things and will remember this book and realize that I am being very selfish and should not be asking things that I do not need. I could also donate money or go to a homeless shelter and help give out food or just give these people something of mine that they would appreciate; like a doll or a toy. I just need to take time out of my life and help others that need it because maybe then I will not be so selfish.

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