Wednesday, March 28, 2012


I heard about the tragic story of Trayvon Martin. It was while I was at home and I was watching the news while making dinner. This case came up and talked about how Trayvon was shot to death because the guy who shot him claimed he felt threatened by him. I also heard about this issue is when someone who I followed on Blogger, Rami, talked about this issue during one of his blog posts. I found this issue very disturbing and apalling that the police in Florida are letting this boy get away with murder because he felt threatened.

After reading the article online on Daily news, I became more informed about this subject then I was before. I think that it is ridiculous that they have yet to arrest someone after this brutal murder, but say that he died because of his race is even more disturbing. I believe that this man, who killed him, must have had a reason to kill him, but I do not believe that it is because what color skin he was. I think that theb parents are just trying to find a way in which to bring this guy down and they decided since the killer was hispanic and the victim was black, they thought why not a race case? However, I do not think this is the right way to go. It is terrible that this incident happened and it is even worse that the killer is hiding behind the Florida law of him feeling threatened by Trayvon. I think that this connects to the first essential question. I believe that where Trayvon lived and grew up truly did affect the way he acted and probably why he was killed. Now a days, killing people is not a big deal anymore and the police are not investigating as much as they used to, just like in this case. I just think that this law in Florida should not have an effect in this case because a boy is killed for having no weapon on him.

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Blog Homework 3

From reading How the Garcia Girls Lost Their Accent, I learned that I should not take what I have for granted. The Garcia Family had to leave their native country and leave for a country that they know nothing about. In America, they faced discrimination and were not used to living the poor life. If I had to just pick up my things and move away, I would not be able to function. I realize that when I complain about petty things like the food my mom makes me or complaining about how tired I am after sports; their are others out in the world are way worse off. This book makes me think about all the things I have and that I should be thankful for. The Garcia family had many issues because of coming to America; for example, one of the girls had an eating disorder. This is very common in America and I feel if they stayed in the Dominican Republic, she might not of had this disorder. I am so glad that I do not have to go out and experience a new country because then I might get into bad habits.  A message that I could take away from this book is appreciate what I have and help others that do not have as much as me. Whenever I am yelling at my parents for better things and will remember this book and realize that I am being very selfish and should not be asking things that I do not need. I could also donate money or go to a homeless shelter and help give out food or just give these people something of mine that they would appreciate; like a doll or a toy. I just need to take time out of my life and help others that need it because maybe then I will not be so selfish.

Thursday, March 22, 2012

Death Penalty,9171,1699855,00.html

The debate on whether the death penalty is affective or not has been going on for centuries now. Many people are for the death penalty because they feel safer with these criminals are dead and they cannot escape from the jail and go on another crime spree again. On the other hand, others believe that these criminals should rot in jail for what they did and not even have the option to escape from whatever they did. I am against the usage of the death penalty. These criminals are getting the easy way out of things.
While the victims, themselves, or their parents, friends and relatives have to live with with pain throughout their whole lives. I do not think this is reasonable at all. I know that most people feel safer if the criminals face the penalty death because then they have no chance of coming back and trying to hurt someone else; however, the United States are wasting hundred of million of dollars into the lethal drugs to kill them. I believe that these criminals should not even have the option to the penalty death and should face the charges that were put against them. Even if I could do nothing about the death penalty, I do not think that we should be spending so much money on how to kill them. I believe they should have the same torture that their victims had to go through. That is the only way I would be satisfied with the death penalty because they should endure the pain that they inflicted onto the innocent people they traumatized or even murdered. I hate that these criminals get off so easily and it makes me sick to my stomach. I hope people will consider the effort that the United States or any country for that matter has to put in for this criminals to get what they really want, death.

Thursday, March 8, 2012

Post 7

Recently, the work of art that I have enjoyed is a particular movie, We are Marshall. I was watching this movie with my father and he told me that this is the type of movie that really makes you think and realize what you have in life. We are Marshall is about a plane crash that killed over 35 people, the Varsity Marshall University Football Team. After the crash, Jack Lengyel, decided to take up the position of head coach and to keep the program running. Nevertheless, the whole town does not believe this is the best idea for many families had just lost someone they loved. During the beginning of the season, they lost some games and did not have many fans. However, towards the end of the season, the town started to warm up to the idea of keeping the football program alive. In the end, the football program became one of the best ones in the state, the football players and coaches on the team would never be forgotten.  I enjoyed this movie because it showed me that even though a horrible incident occurred, the town and team kept pursuing on. I would recommend this movie to anyone. I truly believe that We are Marshall is just a type of movie that you will refer back to and always remember.  I also think that it shows that live is delicate and should not be taken advantage, for it can be taken very easily and quickly. I also believe that one of the key things in this movie is that the community did not give up. After this crash, the town and community could have given up on this wonderful program, but decided against it. Even though they were against it in the beginning, they realized that life is to short to live in the past. One website that really tells you the actual story versus the movie is: This website just shows you how the actors did a trumendous job and what actually happened in real life. Most people have never heard of We are Marshall, I do not know why, it is really a fantastic movie that portrays a tragic event and how the town and program strive to live on.

Thursday, March 1, 2012

Blog Post 6

10 years from now, I'll likely be in a hospital being an oncology nurse because ever since my mother was diagnosed with breast cancer, I knew that I wanted to help and comfort people in their difficult times. I am a very tolerable person when it comes to emotional states. When my grandmother died, I tried to cry, but nothing came out. This is why I believe that I could be a perfect person for this job. Both of my sisters are in the medical field, so even if I am not an oncology nurse; I defiantly also want to be in this field. When I was younger, I always to help and care for people. I think that this field is very exciting and I will not be bored of it easily. I do not be to a pencil pusher and sit behind a desk all day long. I like to be in action and be hands on. I know that I do not want to be a doctor because I do not want a patients life in my own hands. I know that I am not good in those type of situations; like a person who can think rapidly to save a person's life. However, I do not want to be in a doctor's office all my life. I would quickly be bored because the same sick kids come in all the time. 

There are 3.5 months left of my Junior Year of high school. During this fleeting period of adolescence, before I leave for the summer, I plan to have the best grades I possibly can receive, get through all the sports that are going on in my life, and pass the Sats. I have been receiving descent grades and I hope that I can keep them up to standards. Since January, I have been playing club volleyball. However, since it is spring, I have softball starting monday and cyo volleyball is starting this Thursday coming up. I think that this will defiantly cause conflicts in my life. For example, I will not have as much time as I have now doing homework and I will have no social life on the weekends. This does not seem like such a dilemma, but for a teenage girl it truly is. I also have to get a descent grade on the SAT's to get in a college that I want to. I have a feeling that I am going to fail my first test because I have not prepared. I have yet to take a class or even start to study vocab words. I feel though that after my first test I will not be as stressed out and do quite well.

The biggest problem in America is colleges being so much money. It is impossible to get into school in the first place, but having to get hundreds of thousands of dollars in loans is ridiculous. Each year, prices keep rising and risisng and it is becoming increasingly harder to get into a descent school. Many Americans now-a-ays are out of jobs. That puts pressure of students to receive loans and have so much money that they will need to repay to the bank. Many Americans are in debt until their late fiftes or sixties. I think that colleges need to recognize the economy we are living in and start to lower prices or give out more scholarships to these schools.  I am going to start the college searhing process; however, I might not be able to go to these schools based on how much my parents make or how much loans I need to take otut. 

Thursday, February 23, 2012

Blog Post 5

The character that I think moved forward in her due to the consequences she faced is Sofia. After spending the whole summer with her sisters at "the island" she decided to stay there for a year to continue her education because "the states aren't making me happy." (pg. 116) A couple of months later Sofia came home for Christmas, she was completely transformed. The sisters heard that she was actually doing well at the Island and was even dating a nice boy, but even her appearance changed to the way girls should dress in the Dominican Republic. I think Sofia used her opportunity to become a young women and stay out of trouble. In the United States, before she went to spend time in the Dominican Republic, Sofia was in to pot and was starting to go down the wrong path. I think that the time spent at the Island help her stay away from things that would tempt her to doing the wrong thing like smoking pot or disobeying her fathers rules. I think that Sofia has a mind of her own and that no one can tell her what she can or cannot do; even her father does not have control of her. I think that Sofia makes her own decisions that are best for herself and does not care what outcome they will have or who it would hurt in the long run.

One positive aspect out of the book so far, in my opinion, would be their one year anniversary of coming to America. I thought this was positive because in the beginning things for the Garcia family was not easy. They are living in a new country with no friends, leaving their family behind in the Dominican Republic, and starting completely over. After they had been in the United States for the year, they started to adapt to their surroundings. They had a house and all their daughters went to a school. I am not saying that they did not have difficulties, but it is a big accomplishment to live and prosper in a new country with no one they knew except their family. I would name this person vs. society. Before they came to the united states, Carlos was is a huge deal of trouble with the government in the Dominican Republic for he was planning of overthrowing the dictator. Carlos and his family was lucky enough to be able to leave and live in the America, but not his whole family was lucky enough. His brother was held with charges and could not leave the Dominican Republic. Even though Carlos and his family was able to move to the United states, it was still not easy for them to restart their whole entire lives again.

I think that today many things are based on race and what you can or cannot do because of what color skin you have. In Jeremy Lins story he did not fit into the professional scenery because usualy only white and blacks play basketball at that level except for the few like Yao Ming. The only reason he is playing in pro basketball is because he almost 8 feet tall. I am not saying that asians are not good basketball players, but it is said that this sport is more of a white and black race. Asians are good at studying and doing well in education. Even in high school, things are based upon what race you are in. However, it has always been that way.  For centuries, people have been based on what type of color skin they have, how they talk, and much more. Many people who have come to America have been discriminated against and been bullied for it.  Jeremy Lin proved that it does not matter what race you are, that you can do what ever you put your mind to. I believe that race should not matter on how people can or cannot do things just because they are black, white, asian, or anything else.

Thursday, February 16, 2012


Opinion on Pa Gun Law*
I was very aggravated after reading this article. I find if ridiculous that states are being sued for trying to protect their citizens. Philadelphia was one of these states and I believe that this is a particular state that does need protection. In recent years, Philadelphia areas how been increasingly growing worse and worse. Whenever I turn on my television to the news, all I hear is about gangs killing other gangs or people getting in the crossroads of a gang fight and dying. Little children being shot down or many people getting killed for their possessions. Finally, someone wanted to pass a low about if a gun was stolen or lost that person would have to report it because many of these crimes are from stolen or lost guns. Government Ed Rendell just gave up on his eight year attempt to stop illegal guns going to the wrong people saying, it was "an object failure, a lost cause." I find this pathetic and it just opens my eyes to how bad this is truly becoming. My sister works in Philadelphia and she runs to her car and carries pepper spray because she is too afraid of being grabbed or shot down. I do not think that the House should be voting to sue this states because they just do not want anymore blood on their hands.

Valentines Day*
I was shocked at how much money people spent this year on romance-related-goods. 17.6 billion dollars is ridiculous and outrageous.  At Wissahickon High School, the student could buy roses for their friends or the person they liked for a dollar. I believe that over two-thousand dollars worth of roses was sold. My father and I went to go buy some candy and flowers for my mom and it costed over thirty dollars. I just think that now a days spending time with your loved one is not important anymore, especially with Valentines Day. In 2012, the general idea is that how much you spend for your lover is how much you love them. Which is pretty pathetic if you think about it. Also, every woman remembers when they were little girls dreaming of a fairytale wedding. I think that it is not about love anymore because people are getting divorced more and more often. Half the people in my neighborhood are divorced or getting a divorce. Just like what the article said, all you have to say is Kim Kardashian; she was just in it for the money and did not even care for her husband, Kris Humphries. It just shows that money is basically all that is on the mind of women and men these days.

Elie Wiesel*

I find this article interesting because I read The Night by Elie Wiesel just last year and I loved the book. It was very inspirational and educational. I agree with Elie that Mitt Romney, presidential candidate should speak out about what his church is doing because if he does not he could lose a good amount of citizens who were going to vote for him.  I thought that the writer did a decent job of covering this story and adding Elie's opinion about the situation. I also thought that the way he showed the evidence was crucial to making the story one that people would want to read and care about. The article makes me think about how easily you can put someone's name on something without their consent to and how easily they can make it into a top story. If I was Elie I would be outraged to because this church is making up lies and putting it on the world wide web, which is not right. I would recommend this article to anyone who is Jewish, a holocaust survivor, and citizens who want to know about Mitt Romney more and what type of person he is.

Thursday, February 9, 2012


In the The Garcia Girls Lost Their Accents, by Julia Alvarez, she shows that women in the Dominican Republic have different roles and responsibility then in the United States. Men are expected to maintain a descent job and provide a stable life for his family. Men are also expected to not cheat on their wives, however today that is not the case. Women are expected to drop everything they have going for them to raise the kids and take care of the household chores. Women also are supposed to go to all the children's games or recitals and help out with homework.  Men perceive women as just a figure and do not see what lies beneath the skin and are narrow-minded. Men also think that women cannot care for themselves and need a man figure to carry them throughout their life. Women perceive men as an athletic and stupid minded. Women also think that men are pigs because they always check out women when walking by. The difficulties of being a women in American today is that men want a specific type of look, so women today are getting surgery's to make themselves more appealing to the opposite sex. Some advantages of being a women today are we have the ability to compete with men in the professional field. Some stereotypes associated with being a man today is that they think they are all macho and are athletic. Some stereotypes associated with being a woman today is that they are very self-absorbed and only care about their appearance due to how the press and public portray them.
Based on Yolanda so far, she would have a strong opinion about the difficulties of being a women in the Dominican Republic. Yolanda would most likely say that she feels as if women are treated as a fragile object that could be easily broken. For example, Yolanda's Aunt's were afraid of her going outside of their "compound" and taking the nice car because she could get hurt and it is not safe for a women to go outside by themselves. She would also say, on these lines, that she needs to look and dress a specific way or else she would not be based on what women in Dominican Republic look like.

Friday, February 3, 2012

"23 Questions" Answers

1.  I do not think that the rudimentary magician is more impressinve than Albert Einstein because he is limited to how many tricks he can do; even if he is using real magic, Albert Einstein created something that no one else in their right mind could do. Also, anyone can learn those five magic tricks, with or without real magic.

5. I would not swallow the pill because listening to certain songs a couple of times a day drives me insane , so if I had to listen to it 24/7 I would most likely start hurting myself and go completely mad. I know that it would hurt my soul mate, but I would not be able to take hearing one song for the rest of my life.

7. If I was the writer, I would write about the Lochness Monster because I always found that story always interesting. People say that they have seen the Lochness Monster. However, they could never prove that this monster did exist. If I wrote about it, many people would read it and find it fasciniting like I have found the story for many years.

12. I would give the wizard no money because I like myself for the way I am and I would not want to change my appearance any way possible. I also think that if everyone started to go to the wizard and pay him money, many people would start to look the same because everyone is getting more appealing. Personally, I think that it would not be worth paying so much money for pointless things.

16.  I would not watch it because I do not believe in crystal balls or magic. I believe that your own destiny is up to yourself and not for some stupid object to tell you otherwise. I also think that it is a bunch of lies and you can change your futures any time you would like to.

19. I am sorry for kicking you I just recieved a text message that made me so angry that I had to kick something. You were the closest one to me, so I decided hey! why not kick you. If you want, you can hit me back, but I just wanted to let you know that this kick was really not meant for you but the person who texted me.

20.  I would probably pick the second movie because it seems more intreging and not boring. Even though some parts of the movie is not primarily based on facts, I feel as if that is what I am more interested in watching. I would not want to watch just interviews of people because I would most likely fall asleep during the movie.

Friday, January 27, 2012

#1: Front & Back Cover & First Chaper

I feel like the front and back cover of How the Garcia Girls Lose Their Accents by Jukia Alvarez attracts my eye and seems like a descent book. From readind the last comment for the novel, I am afraid I might not like this book because Albany Metroland comments that it is "like Amy Tan." I did not like The Bonesetters Daughter by Amy Tan, so I am not sure if I am going to enjoy this book or not. After reading the back cover, I feel as though this book will be full of drama and these girls searching for their identity in a new place, America. I believe that before the Garcia girls come to America, they were a rich family. I feel this book will be interesting, even though it was said to be like Amy Tan's writing. After the first seven pages that I read, the writing was very descriptive and I could imagine the scenes playing out in my head. I find the girl one the front cover interesting because the girl on front cover seems to be in fast motion and I feel that maybe the book will have to deal with maybe their move to New York from the Dominican Republic being quick. I think I will enjoy this book because when I was reading the first few pages, I felt as if it was a page turner and a good plot so far. The family's way of life stands out to me early on because it seems that they are a rich and well-off family. My prediction is that the family's way of living will be changed dramatically very soon.