Thursday, March 1, 2012

Blog Post 6

10 years from now, I'll likely be in a hospital being an oncology nurse because ever since my mother was diagnosed with breast cancer, I knew that I wanted to help and comfort people in their difficult times. I am a very tolerable person when it comes to emotional states. When my grandmother died, I tried to cry, but nothing came out. This is why I believe that I could be a perfect person for this job. Both of my sisters are in the medical field, so even if I am not an oncology nurse; I defiantly also want to be in this field. When I was younger, I always to help and care for people. I think that this field is very exciting and I will not be bored of it easily. I do not be to a pencil pusher and sit behind a desk all day long. I like to be in action and be hands on. I know that I do not want to be a doctor because I do not want a patients life in my own hands. I know that I am not good in those type of situations; like a person who can think rapidly to save a person's life. However, I do not want to be in a doctor's office all my life. I would quickly be bored because the same sick kids come in all the time. 

There are 3.5 months left of my Junior Year of high school. During this fleeting period of adolescence, before I leave for the summer, I plan to have the best grades I possibly can receive, get through all the sports that are going on in my life, and pass the Sats. I have been receiving descent grades and I hope that I can keep them up to standards. Since January, I have been playing club volleyball. However, since it is spring, I have softball starting monday and cyo volleyball is starting this Thursday coming up. I think that this will defiantly cause conflicts in my life. For example, I will not have as much time as I have now doing homework and I will have no social life on the weekends. This does not seem like such a dilemma, but for a teenage girl it truly is. I also have to get a descent grade on the SAT's to get in a college that I want to. I have a feeling that I am going to fail my first test because I have not prepared. I have yet to take a class or even start to study vocab words. I feel though that after my first test I will not be as stressed out and do quite well.

The biggest problem in America is colleges being so much money. It is impossible to get into school in the first place, but having to get hundreds of thousands of dollars in loans is ridiculous. Each year, prices keep rising and risisng and it is becoming increasingly harder to get into a descent school. Many Americans now-a-ays are out of jobs. That puts pressure of students to receive loans and have so much money that they will need to repay to the bank. Many Americans are in debt until their late fiftes or sixties. I think that colleges need to recognize the economy we are living in and start to lower prices or give out more scholarships to these schools.  I am going to start the college searhing process; however, I might not be able to go to these schools based on how much my parents make or how much loans I need to take otut. 


  1. I found your responses to this forum really interesting. I almost cried reading what you wrote about your mom. I think that it is really inspirational that you would like to be in the medical field to care for others in the same manner that your mother was cared for. It is truly inspirational. Additionally, I found your goals for the rest of this year very similar to my own. Every time that I read your blog, I find more and more similarities between us. Lastly, I agreed with your comments on the skyrocketing prices of colleges. It is absolutely ridiculous!

  2. I really like your dream for yourself. I think it is a great idea to become an oncology nurse. I think you would be really good as an oncology nurse it is deffienitly something that you could do well. I put that i also want to get the best grades that i can get. I am also playing softball before the end of the school year. Hopefully we will both be on varsity. I also will not have as much free time which is really going to stess myself out but i am glad i am being active.
