Thursday, February 16, 2012


Opinion on Pa Gun Law*
I was very aggravated after reading this article. I find if ridiculous that states are being sued for trying to protect their citizens. Philadelphia was one of these states and I believe that this is a particular state that does need protection. In recent years, Philadelphia areas how been increasingly growing worse and worse. Whenever I turn on my television to the news, all I hear is about gangs killing other gangs or people getting in the crossroads of a gang fight and dying. Little children being shot down or many people getting killed for their possessions. Finally, someone wanted to pass a low about if a gun was stolen or lost that person would have to report it because many of these crimes are from stolen or lost guns. Government Ed Rendell just gave up on his eight year attempt to stop illegal guns going to the wrong people saying, it was "an object failure, a lost cause." I find this pathetic and it just opens my eyes to how bad this is truly becoming. My sister works in Philadelphia and she runs to her car and carries pepper spray because she is too afraid of being grabbed or shot down. I do not think that the House should be voting to sue this states because they just do not want anymore blood on their hands.

Valentines Day*
I was shocked at how much money people spent this year on romance-related-goods. 17.6 billion dollars is ridiculous and outrageous.  At Wissahickon High School, the student could buy roses for their friends or the person they liked for a dollar. I believe that over two-thousand dollars worth of roses was sold. My father and I went to go buy some candy and flowers for my mom and it costed over thirty dollars. I just think that now a days spending time with your loved one is not important anymore, especially with Valentines Day. In 2012, the general idea is that how much you spend for your lover is how much you love them. Which is pretty pathetic if you think about it. Also, every woman remembers when they were little girls dreaming of a fairytale wedding. I think that it is not about love anymore because people are getting divorced more and more often. Half the people in my neighborhood are divorced or getting a divorce. Just like what the article said, all you have to say is Kim Kardashian; she was just in it for the money and did not even care for her husband, Kris Humphries. It just shows that money is basically all that is on the mind of women and men these days.

Elie Wiesel*

I find this article interesting because I read The Night by Elie Wiesel just last year and I loved the book. It was very inspirational and educational. I agree with Elie that Mitt Romney, presidential candidate should speak out about what his church is doing because if he does not he could lose a good amount of citizens who were going to vote for him.  I thought that the writer did a decent job of covering this story and adding Elie's opinion about the situation. I also thought that the way he showed the evidence was crucial to making the story one that people would want to read and care about. The article makes me think about how easily you can put someone's name on something without their consent to and how easily they can make it into a top story. If I was Elie I would be outraged to because this church is making up lies and putting it on the world wide web, which is not right. I would recommend this article to anyone who is Jewish, a holocaust survivor, and citizens who want to know about Mitt Romney more and what type of person he is.


  1. I found your responses very interesting. I also read the PA gun law article and the article about Valentine's Day. I pretty much agreed with your stance on the PA gun law issue, that protection is needed and that people should be responsible for reporting lost or stolen guns. I found your response to the Valentine's Day article very interesting. I agree that love in the present day is now measured by how much money is spent on them, and this is very sad. Additionally, I also find it ridiculous how drastically the divorce rates are increasing in this nation in this day and age. I did not read the article about Elie Wiesel, but I enjoyed reading "Night" as well, so I may want to look into reading this article myself.

  2. I found your response about the PA gun law very interesting. I agreed with everything you had to say. It is very much stupid to sue a city that has nothing but good intentions for their citizens. They are doing nothing wrong, they are merely just trying to do what they can in order to protect their citizens. It is sad that it has put fear in the lives of people who work in Philly, like your sister. No one should feel like they have to carry around something to protect them, or even sprint to the car when in the streets. Its unfortunate that this is what has become of several cities including Philadelphia. I also agreed with what you said about Valentine's day. People are getting divorced more often. BUt, that there are several reason for why they might be getting divorced. I think America has lost the true meaning of love. But then again, you can make the argument that our society is very materialistic, therefore, Valentine's day is a big hit. IN my opinion, Valentine's day helps relationships. Especially if there was a recent fight or argument, this is a day that helps people forget about the problems are remember the reasons that made them love/like each other in the first place.

  3. I agree with your response for the valentines day, and how it is so outrageous how much people spend for their loved one. I disagree with your statement saying how much you spend on your loved one is how much you love them. just because you dont buy your loved one expensive gifts, or take them out to an expensive restaurant does not mean you do not love them. Maybe some people cannot afford to spend a lot of money on valentines day.
